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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Marikana miners form 'war committee'

2012-09-12 12:36
Lonmin miners in Marikana. (Felix Dlangamandla, Beeld)
Lonmin miners in Marikana. (Felix Dlangamandla, Beeld)
Johannesburg - Striking Lonmin mineworkers have formed a “war committee” with other North West platinum mineworkers.

Workers from Anglo Platinum’s Bleskop mine are part of the war committee which includes the striking Lonmin miners.

The miners announced at their usual gathering spot near Nkaneng informal settlement in Marikana that a “war committee” with other North West platinum mineworkers has been formed.

Marikana miners have vowed to intensify their five-week long wildcat strike as it spreads to other mines.

The miners have also pleaded with those living with their wives to ask them to return to their rural homes in the Eastern Cape, Lesotho, Mozambique and Swaziland.

One of the workers’ leaders, known only as Bob, asked the men to allow their wives and children to leave.

“Kuza indlala, mabagoduswe oomama (Hunger is approaching, women must leave),” Bob said, referring to the fact that the workers have not been paid their August salaries and now have no food.

This morning, Bob said some journalists sympathised with the workers while others were spies.

“But we must allow all of them to work,” he said.

Another worker had earlier complained that journalists cornered individual workers and interviewed them.

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