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Monday, December 20, 2010

Robbers dressed as cops, army officers

Johannesburg - Six men are on the run, three dressed as police and three dressed as army men, the North West police said on Monday.
"A Pakistani national was attacked by the culprits in his flat at Stilfontein over the weekend," said Lieutenant Colonel Lesego Metsi
The men knocked on his door at Harcourt, Stilfontein and then ransacked the place.
The man said he was robbed of goods including jewellery worth R50 000 and boxes of cigarettes worth R15 000.
Three of the men apparently wore police reflector jackets while the other three wore SA National Defence Force uniforms.
They were armed with R5 rifles.
They were travelling in a black Golf GTI and a silver-grey unidentified vehicle.
Anyone with information could contact the nearest police station or call CrimeStop on 08600-10111.
"The suspects are believed to be dangerous and community members are advised not to try to arrest them by themselves."



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