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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blacks urged to reclaim land from whites

Sunday 16 September 2012 06:51
Chief Phathekile Holomisa says land was forcibly taken from blacks by whites.
Chief Phathekile Holomisa says land was forcibly taken from blacks by whites.(SABC)

Contralesa president Chief Phathekile Holomisa has called on South Africans to stand up and reclaim land from the white minority by next year. Chief Holomisa says the ANC-led government has failed people by adopting the land redistribution policy.
He says land was not bought from the blacks it was forcibly taken by whites. He was speaking at the memorial lecture of struggle hero, McGregor Mgolombana at Dikishe outside Mthatha in the Eastern Cape. Mgolombana was exiled because he resisted forced removal for his community.
Holomisa says: "We need to prepare ourselves next year for a struggle for the restoration of land so that we no longer have a situation where 87% of land is in white hands and the 13% is occupied by blacks. It is unsustainable what you find in the constitution which requires that the state must buy land from the whites in order to be able to give it to the landless South Africans, it is unsustainable because it is unaffordable because the money is not there, so a way must be found therefore to ensure that redistribution of land takes place without any obstacles being put, be it in terms of the constitution or in terms of the requirement that the land must be bought . The people who took it from the majority of South Africa did not buy it."
Meanwhile Deputy Minister of Defence, Thabang Makwetla has admitted that there have been challenges in the restitution of land. "We will see what happens at the ruling party's national conference in looking at the matter because there are clear suggestions that we need to look at other ways of expediting this programme. The challenge in the recent years has been the availability of sufficient budget to make sure that land that is under claim is bought back by the government and handed back to the communities."

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