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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Human rights and wrongs in S. Africa: black-on-white massacre

Jul 31, 2012 19:20 Moscow Time
Африка тюрьма негр
Photo: EPA

US human rights groups and legislators keep harassing Russia over the so-called “Magnitsky Case”, yet they are totally indifferent to the fact that thousands of innocent people were brutally murdered in South Africa in a black-on-white massacre.

The white community in S. Africa was shocked and in grief once again when three black youngsters smiled last week in a Johannesburg court as terrible accusations against them were read out. The three had confessed to a typical South African black-on-white massacre. It took place on October 1, 2011 in Walkerville, south of Johannesburg. Amaro Jose Viana, of Portuguese descent, his mother Geraldine (42) and father Tony (53) were killed in an attack by the family’s gardener Petrus Radebe (24), Sipho Mbele (21), and Sphiwe David Motaung (20). A fourth killer is a minor whose name was not published, but allegedly the son of Petrus Radebe also participated in the attack.
According to South African Beeld’s court reporter, 12-year-old Amaro’s dad Tony Viana first arrived at the burglarized home and was attacked from behind with a machete and a golf club. Afterwards, he was forced to unlock the family safe. He was then tied up.
The boy and his mother arrived later and were tied up in separate rooms. Then the raping started. When Radebe and Mbele had finished, Mbele placed a cushion over Geraldine’s face to muffle her screams and killed her with a pistol stolen from her husband. Then they killed Tony.
The attackers realized that the boy Amaro could recognize them. The killers told the court: “We went to the bathroom and turned on the tap. We went to fetch him and gagged him because he was crying. We forced him into the bath face down, knowing that he would drown.” The boy was held down in scorching-hot water. The exact cause of his death has however not yet been determined by state pathologists. The boy’s hands and feet were tied.
This case is one of many in post-apartheid South Africa. According to the Afrikaner research groups, the number of whites killed there during last 18 years is several thousands. The government of South Africa is aware of the fact that the country has become the world leader in the most severe crimes, but insists that it has nothing to do with racial or political issues.
However, Dr Gregory Stanton, the prominent US Research Professor in Genocide Studies and Prevention, is certain that the situation of the white minority in South Africa is getting closer and closer to the status of Jews during the Second World War before the actual extermination began. During his press-conference in Pretoria on July 26, Dr. Stanton stated: “We at Genocide Watch have enough suspicion that there may be an organized effort at a genocide in South Africa, and we will continue to monitor the situation closely… Desecration of bodies in South Africa also happened in Rwanda and Burundi. You only need a small group to carry out a full-blown genocide.”
Dr Dan Roodt, the leader of PRAAG organization which advocates the rights of the Afrikaner minority, insists that the current wave of anti-white violence is racially and politically motivated: “If our State President Zuma sings publicly ‘shoot the Boer’, how can anybody talk about regular crime? Can you imagine that the President of the US will sing with his comrades ‘Shoot the Blacks’?”
Roodt has sent a complaint to the Commonwealth of Nations to probe human rights violations currently being committed in South Africa against Afrikaners, foreigners, and other minorities. Another group of the Afrikaner organizations had put a complaint against the South African government in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
Thousands of innocent people are getting murdered in the most cruel and humiliating way. There was no US senator, nor US congressman to express concern about this plight of the white minority in South Africa. Yet the same politicians do have the time and energy to introduce in the US Senate the “Magnitsky list”; the same politicians in Washington still oppose the termination of the Jackson-Vanik amendment vis-à-vis Russia.
This game of double standards could be just another sign of the hypocrisy of political correctness of our days. Yet in some cases this is much worse – people are getting killed because of these double standards.

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