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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mugabe turns to China for military defence

2012-09-15 08:15
Harare - Zimbabwe's president says his country turned to China to beef up its military training capabilities after what he called threats of an invasion from Western countries intending to lead to "regime change."

President Robert Mugabe said on Friday at the opening of a Chinese-built military training academy north of Harare that "hate-filled tactics" by the West have acted as a "wake-up call" for the country to strengthen its defence. Zimbabwe received a $98m loan from China to build the sprawling complex.

China wants the loan repaid over 13 years from diamonds being mined by Chinese companies in eastern Zimbabwe.

Mugabe said the new National Defence College will act as a "think tank" on security matters under threat from Western enemies whose "adventurism went to the extent of seeking a military invasion of Zimbabwe".



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