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Saturday, September 15, 2012

SANDF on standby in Marikana

Saturday 15 September 2012 12:48
Lizzette Labuschagne
Workers have rejected the latest wage offer.
Workers have rejected the latest wage offer.(SABC)

South African National Defence Force members have now been put on standby at Nkaneng Informal settlement in Marikana outside Rustenburg. Earlier police used rubber bullets to disperse miners as they gathered at their usual spot this morning. Four more striking mineworkers have been arrested while being dispersed by police. This brings the total number of those arrested to 16. Last night a police operation netted 12 people at the Lonmin mine hostels in Marikana for the possesion of dangerous weapons.
Military vehicles were deployed in the Rustenburg area this morning. It is understood that they will act as backup for the police at the mine, should the situation warrant them to step in. It has also been reported that there is a strict instruction that they will not be actively involved in policing the current unrest at the mine.

Lonmin has submitted another new wage offer to striking miners.
Police have surrounded Nkaneng informal settlement this is in line with the announcement made by security cluster ministers that no gathering will be allowed in Marikana, unless it is sanctioned by the relevant authorities. Meanwhile mineworkers union, NUM, has accused Lonmin Platinum mine management in Marikana in the North West of what it calls lack of leadership. This after the mine management warned striking workers to reconsider the latest wage offer or risk losing their jobs.
Lonmin has submitted another new wage offer to striking miners. The offer will see a R1 875 monthly hike for rock drill operators and R1 321 for underground general workers.
Workers have since rejected the latest offer.


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