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Monday, September 17, 2012

South Africa Government: No Guarantee for Safety of White Farmers

Johannesburg - The African National Congress should accept responsibility for farm murders, civil rights group AfriForum said.

"As long as the ANC continues to remain silent when ANC leaders, like Ronald Lamola say that he cannot guarantee the safety of the Van der Merwes and the Van Tonders [Afrikaner surnames]... the ANC can be held responsible for farm murders," AfriForum CEO Kallie Kriel said in a statement. In June, Lamola was criticised for his comments relating to land ownership.
He told a media briefing in Pretoria that section 25 of the Constitution should be amended to allow for change in the land reform policy. If white South Africans did not hand land to poor blacks, there could be land invasions like those that took place in Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe, he said. At the time, he reportedly said he could not guarantee the safety of "the Van Tonders and the Van der Merwes on farms".
A number of people have accused Zimbabwe President Mugabe of having a racist attitude towards white people. John Sentamu, a Uganda-born Archbishop of York in the UK, calls Mugabe "the worst kind of racist dictator," for having "targeted the whites for their apparent riches". This is the standard for the ANC.
An estimated 68 798 white South Africans have been murdered by blacks since the end of Apartheid. Read more: White Boy Drowned in Boiling Water by Blacks While Mother Raped


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