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Thursday, January 6, 2011

18 schools get zero matric pass rate

Pretoria - No pupils passed the 2010 matric exams at 18 schools, according to figures released by the basic education department on Thursday.

Five of these were in the Eastern Cape, four in Limpopo and three were in KwaZulu-Natal.

The balance were special schools and one each in the Free State and Gauteng.

The number of schools with a zero pass was unchanged from 2009.

According to the Report on the National Senior Certificate Examinations, the sizes of the schools that registered zero pass rates varied, from one school at which only two pupils sat the exams to one where 238 pupils sat the exams.

The overall matric pass rate for 2010 stood at 67.8%, up from 60.7% in 2009.

It was 62.5% in 2008 and 65.2% in 2007.

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