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Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Great South African Matric Farce

By Mike Smith
6th of January 2011
So the Matric results are out and all the political parties are congratualating the Matrics, the teachers and obviously the Marxist ANC scum for the improvement from 60.7% in 2009 to 67.8% in 2010.
Matric results since 2003 has been dropping every year, but THIS year it miraculously improved by 7.1%.
Here are the pass percentages for the last seven years:
• 2003: 73.3 percent
• 2004: 70.7 percent
• 2005: 68.3 percent
• 2006: 66.5 percent
• 2007: 65.2 percent
• 2008: 62.7 percent
• 2009: 60.6 percent
How did the ANC achieve this brilliant improvement?
It kind of reminds me of how easy it was to make everyone in Zimbabwe millionaires…
Who do the ANC think they are fooling with these results?
Let us look at how they achieved this. First of all since the ANC came to power, they did away with the excellent schooling system of the old South Africa namely CNE. A schooling system that delivered amongst others, Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Prof. Jakes Gerwel, Dr. Franklin Sonn, Dr. Alan Boesak and many more.
To tell these people today that their qualifications are inferior to that of whites would be a slap in their faces.
Nevertheless, the ANC introduced a dumbed down OBE education system. They took away the Standard Grade and Higher Grade systems. They lowered the pass rate of 40% for Higher grade subjects and 34% for Standard Grade subjects to 30% for all subjects.
When that did not help to raise Matric results they leaked the Matric exam papers to the black students
They even adjust the Matric marks to make the failed black students pass, as this report dating back as far as 2004 indicates. What matric marks really mean after adjustments
The SA Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) in December 2010 asked for “biased marking of Matric papers
The Congress of SA Students’ (Cosas) demanded the increase of the final examination marks of pupils by 25%
The end result was that for the 2010 Matrics, The scores of subjects including Mathematics, Science and languages were adjusted upwards by 10% as this report from the Cape Argus indicates. A total of 16 subjects were adjusted. In 2008 the scores of 31 subjects were adjusted upwards.
This comes after the lying Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga assured us that no free marks will be given to Matrics
There is even a book, a manual written on the subject of how to statistically adjust (crook) Matric results by Vijay Reddy called Marking Matric, Colloquium proceedings
In September last year after several strikes by black teachers and violence by black students, blacks Were urged to write prelim exams where, as I believe from teacher sources close to me, the blacks were basically given the up and coming Matric final papers to practice on and study, two months in advance. In the actual final only the wording of the questions were slightly changed.
Now in the light of all this evidence that appears in our daily newspapers as quoted above, how is it possible that the opposition DA can laud the education authorities for their “Improved Results” ???
Surely the DA and every single opposition party and politician should rub the evidence of dumbing down the education system and crooking Matric results under the noses of the miserable bastards in the ANC. Isn’t that why we vote for them?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Why does a few bloggers have to do this job?


1 comment:

  1. This is scandalous. Just in 18 year from a first-world country to a third-world or even lower.
